Tech Camp Blog

The Magic of Tech Camp, In Your Own Home! Say Hello to Our NEW Online Courses

You may not be able to come to us, but we can come to you: with our online courses, featuring our best projects, with our best tutors, and a super fun learning structure!

We wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on the fun and learning which takes place at Tech Camp, so we have devised a way to bring all the elements of camp to you - the learning, the creating, and the socialising!

We have redesigned our best courses to be run over video sessions, with our best tutors from Russell Group universities teaching in the same small groups we run at camp; a 1:8 tutor to student ratio. We're running daily 1 and 2-hour video classes accompanied with 1 and 2-hour self-paced learning and project work between lessons. Your children will be able to work alongside kids their own age, so they don’t miss out on one of the key elements of camp: the fun of socialising. The courses last a week, so if your child can’t choose they needn’t worry - they can do another!

We’ve started off with courses that will be simpler to learn at home, based around coding, creative game design and programming. Then we’ll bring you more complex courses revolving around hardware, like our Drone Racing, FPV Rally Racing, 3D Printing and Laser Tag courses! Each course has been designed to offer versions suited for different abilities, so all children between 8-17 can get involved in a course that challenges them just the right amount!

Our current courses are:

  • Python Games
  • Python Advanced
  • Robotics
  • Minecraft Inventions Junior
  • Minecraft Inventions Senior
  • GameMaker
  • Arcade Gamer
  • Professional Web Design
  • Tech Club

So, to open your child’s eyes to the world of incredible things they can create from their own home, book an online course now! Places are limited, but we will always try to open up spaces where we can!

Please note: after lock-downs ceased in the UK and our physical camps reopened, demand for our online courses dropped off significantly so we are no longer offering these as options.