Tech Camp Blog

10 Reasons Why You Need to Get into 3D Printing Now

3D printing, once the realm of industrial designers and engineers, has now become accessible to the masses. This transformative technology allows for the creation of three-dimensional objects from digital files, revolutionizing the way we think about manufacturing and design. In recent years, the cost of 3D printers has dropped significantly, and their ease of use has improved, making them suitable for both adults and children. Here are ten compelling reasons why you should consider getting into 3D printing today.

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Meet 5 Women Who Have Shaped the Gaming Industry

The gaming industry, like most technology-focused industries, has traditionally been a male-dominated space. With gaming commonly thought of as a predominantly masculine pastime, opportunities and role models for women trying to enter into the gaming industry have been scarce.

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What Are The Uses of UV Light?

Ultraviolet Light has many different uses and is often vital within hospital settings, lets take a look at some of the most popular uses

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NEW! Weekend Tech Club

Can't wait for the next holidays for more Tech Camps? Join our tutors for weekly hands-on tech workshops in your own home every Saturday and Sunday!

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The Benefits of Learning to Code

Learning to code is a valuable skills for anyone to master

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Careers in Tech

The number of careers in tech are growing by the day, here are just a few examples of how you can turn your passion into a career!

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An interview with Alex

‘Their teacher’s brilliant, they absolutely love her. We’ve done quite a lot of classes and I think she’s one of the best teachers we’ve ever had, she’s really, really good with them.’ – A parent’s feedback on Alex

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How Are Our Online Courses Being Received?

'They can do it at home and at their own pace, two hours is perfect because it’s enough time to get their teeth into something without being stuck to the screen all day!'

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