Tech Camp Blog

The Positives of Video Games

Video games get a lot of bad press, but are they really that bad?

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More Tech Campers 3D Printing NHS Face Shields

We keep hearing from more campers who have built 3D printers with us over the last few years how they're helping out their local hospitals and care staff. This one from Rémi who built a printer with us 3 years ago ...

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Create Retro Arcade Games at Home - Meet the Microsoft Kitronik ARCADE Gamepad!

We’re bringing you a whole new game design experience, with our Arcade Gamer course featuring the Microsoft Kitronix ARCADE Gamepad - a fully featured programmable gamepad for use with the MakeCode Arcade block editor.

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The 4 Best 2020 Games for All Ages

We give you a round-up of some of the most exciting games released in 2020.

Another exciting year for gaming is kicked off to a great start with some fantastic new games, either already released or set to be released. Here is the low-down on some of our personal favourites - maybe some of them can provide you with inspiration for creating your own games!:

Please note that release dates may change due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.

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The Magic of Tech Camp, In Your Own Home! Say Hello to Our NEW Online Courses

You may not be able to come to us, but we can come to you: with our online courses, featuring our best projects, with our best tutors, and a super fun learning structure!

We wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on the fun and learning which takes place at Tech Camp, so we have devised a way to bring all the elements of camp to you - the learning, the creating, and the socialising!

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Want to Get Better At Minecraft? We Can Teach You How to Play Like Never Before

Our online Minecraft Inventions courses can help you play Minecraft on a new, improved level, by teaching you how to create your own gadgets and inventions - from secret floor traps to puzzles and timers.

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More Face Shields for Local Doctors

Inspired by Harry's efforts at making some face shields, we contacted some local doctors around us who were keen to get some as well.  Seems crazy that our front-line NHS staff don't have access to something as simple as this.

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Camper Creates PPE for NHS

We just received an email from one of last year’s campers who responded to a call to create some PPE for their local NHS:

“My son attended Tech Camp last summer and learnt to use a 3D printer. Yesterday we got an SOS from Winchester hospital asking for PPE. Harry immediately researched a design and put his printer to work. The first batch are done!

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